Very hitting the nail on the head JRK... Or however that expression goes... Even about Mr. Lett. I never could stand his talks, discussions at Morning Worship, or weird prayers. Have you ever heard him speak? I couldn't/can't begin to understand how someone like him would be responsible for so many millions of lives and billions of dollars in assets. Regardless, the rest of your assessment is spot on perfectly expert. I wish they could be toppled, and things were reformable. Though, one major obstacle is that they, oddly, confidently feel that they should not be held accountable. It makes me feel so uncomfortable. It's like the weird, ugly, ackward, geeky guy feeling so popular and confident, enough to get the hotttttest, nicest, smartest girl in school.
There is such a disconnect with reality, one I, believe it or not, didn't really see with the older members who, regardless of other things that can be said of them, looked forward with a gleam in their eyes. They were, I dare say now, more progressive! If you give me that. Maybe I am more profoundly now just hurt, at the selling off of Brooklyn.
Even the 'accomplishments' part of the past is gone. The memories possibly, the connect with the growth of American culture during the past two centuries, the stories of being young Bethelites, as had been Barber, Sydlik, Swingle, Klein... The stories of Couch and Larsen. All gone. Somehow now erased. Talk about robbing an entire 'brotherhood' of nostalgia and ownership of what they help buid. (ie. also Spain Branch, Ireland, Gilead, etc.)
I know, again, all nostalgia. But, I do have a heart. I'm def. not a corporate yes-man. Never was, never will be!
I guess, it saddens me more than anything, this organization could be such a force for good. And I truly believe it has been and was in some respects. Many people were helped by it, and fundamentally did contribute to the joy and satisfaction in the lives of many. I really don't see it doing that now, in the present, under these circusmances. Who wants to sit twice a week and be scolded over and over about not doing enough? Scared into submission, told to talk to strangers but not to trust them because they are evil and might want to add you on Facebook. However, you need to go to people's doors and make them invite you into their home and sit with you in their living room to discuss the most intimate parts of their lives, though if after, even becoming good friends, they choose not to agree with your beliefs, you will shun them and consider them 'mentally diseased.' And if you don't shun them, you will be immediately disfellowshipped. Oh, and that goes for loved ones and family members too. Isn't that the actual, pure definition of a 'cult?'
As I read the reflections on another thread about Gilead School, how can we ignore that there are so many genuine followers that are filled with the best qualities, whose efforts are being betrayed. How can they help not being disilussioned? Feeling abandoned? Lifeless?
I wonder those things but am reminded how 'steadfast' everyone was enouraged to be leading up to this past decade; the problem is that they have been led full force, straight for a solid brick wall!!!
"Steadfast, undaunted, in this time of the end..."